Wednesday 11 February 2015

Does digital_migration mean the demise of traditional media?

Technological industry has seen profound developments over the past decade which one may see as posing a threat to traditional media. The traditional media on the other hand, have adopted some of the new media characteristics in order to remain relevant in today's world. Newspapers have their online editions, radio and TV as well have online platforms wherein they put updates on what is on and what is to follow. Therefore, rather than asking the question, how long will they last by always being reactive to the current media developments, ask instead, What is the basis of all media?

Credibility of Social Media vs Traditional Media

Traditional media is under no threat from the new media because, for news to have that credibility, they should be confirmed by the traditional media. News from all social networks have less value compared to those from television, radio and newspapers. Similarly, when a reporter sees breaking news on social media, they do not just go ahead with reporting the story. They first look for corroboration of such news story then decide whether the facts are enough to publish the story or not. That is just how credibility of the traditional media is perceived and achieved!

An example of online version of traditional media
In conclusion, however proliferated the social media may appear to be, they will always need the traditional media as their pillar of strength. This is to say, traditional media will never fade from the face of the earth and an online publication is also not credible enough if it does not have a traditional background. It is important to note however, that traditional media should also promote their presence online to remain relevant.

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