Friday 13 March 2015

Customize, then we'll talk

People like be seen to be of importance to everyone. This is no exception to prospective customers. They all want to see that you have incorporated their needs when making your product then they will talk about possible purchase. This is why digital marketing is proving to be so important today. This advent importance placed on digital marketing is not necessarily as a result of its lower cost but mostly because it is able to give a marketer what s/he wants and that is, what customers want.

As a marketing team or ad agency, one's success is heavily  placed on one's ability to identify the needs of their prospective customers and therefore communicate relevant marketing messages. By communicating relevant message says to the the customer that you actually took time to look into their needs. That is to say, you gave them your attention. You have got nothing to loose by giving them that attention. Besides, digital media has made that simple after all.

Just a highlight that customization has a long history!

It is also important to note that diversity might be a challenge yet, if one is that good, s/he will definitely find different ingredients in the product to satisfy diverse needs. What follows will be to communicate the relevant ingredient or use of product at hand to relevant people.

So marketers, today's customer says "tailor according to my needs, the we will talk". You have got to have that knack of tailoring to get what you deserve, i.e, ROIs. You are doing business for crying out loud...

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